Our Products

Here at MeANS we pride ourselves on not only our hands-on learning experiences, but our contributions to our community. We also believe in producing and supporting products that are locally-grown.

Our staff and students tend to our chickens, our produce that grows in our greenhouses, our beehives, and help out at our sugarhouse during maple syrup season. We produce and sell the following from their efforts. You can find these for sale in the Main Office:

Farm Fresh Eggs

We have our own chickens and sell their eggs as we collect them by the half-dozen and dozen.

Greenhouse Produce

We grow lettuce, produce dried herbs (basil, spearmint, etc.), and also grow flowers which students gather for our graduation in July.


We have three beehives where we harvest and bottle our own honey.

Maple Syrup

We have our own sugarhouse nearby on the Green Road, and tap approximately 100 maple trees.